Class CollisionUtils


@Internal @Experimental public final class CollisionUtils extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • CollisionUtils

      public CollisionUtils()
  • Method Details

    • handlePhysics

      public static PhysicsResult handlePhysics(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull @NotNull Vec entityVelocity, @Nullable @Nullable PhysicsResult lastPhysicsResult, boolean singleCollision)
      Moves an entity with physics applied (ie checking against blocks)

      Works by getting all the full blocks that an entity could interact with. All bounding boxes inside the full blocks are checked for collisions with the entity.

      entity - the entity to move
      entityVelocity - the velocity of the entity
      lastPhysicsResult - the last physics result, can be null
      singleCollision - if the entity should only collide with one block
      the result of physics simulation
    • checkEntityCollisions

      public static PhysicsResult checkEntityCollisions(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull @NotNull Vec entityVelocity)
      entity - the entity to move
      entityVelocity - the velocity of the entity
      the closest entity we collide with
    • checkEntityCollisions

      public static PhysicsResult checkEntityCollisions(@NotNull @NotNull Instance instance, BoundingBox boundingBox, Point pos, @NotNull @NotNull Vec velocity, double extendRadius, Function<Entity,Boolean> entityFilter, PhysicsResult blockResult)
      velocity - the velocity of the entity
      extendRadius - the largest entity bounding box we can collide with Measured from bottom center to top corner This is used to extend the search radius for entities we collide with For players this is (0.3^2 + 0.3^2 + 1.8^2) ^ (1/3) ~= 1.51
      the closest entity we collide with
    • handlePhysics

      public static PhysicsResult handlePhysics(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull @NotNull Vec entityVelocity, @Nullable @Nullable PhysicsResult lastPhysicsResult)
      Moves an entity with physics applied (ie checking against blocks)

      Works by getting all the full blocks that an entity could interact with. All bounding boxes inside the full blocks are checked for collisions with the entity.

      entity - the entity to move
      entityVelocity - the velocity of the entity
      lastPhysicsResult - the last physics result, can be null
      the result of physics simulation
    • handlePhysics

      public static PhysicsResult handlePhysics(@NotNull @NotNull Instance instance, @Nullable @Nullable Chunk chunk, @NotNull @NotNull BoundingBox boundingBox, @NotNull @NotNull Pos position, @NotNull @NotNull Vec velocity, @Nullable @Nullable PhysicsResult lastPhysicsResult, boolean singleCollision)
      Moves bounding box with physics applied (ie checking against blocks)

      Works by getting all the full blocks that a bounding box could interact with. All bounding boxes inside the full blocks are checked for collisions with the given bounding box.

      boundingBox - the bounding box to move
      the result of physics simulation
    • handlePhysics

      @Internal public static PhysicsResult handlePhysics(@NotNull Block.Getter blockGetter, @NotNull @NotNull BoundingBox boundingBox, @NotNull @NotNull Pos position, @NotNull @NotNull Vec velocity, @Nullable @Nullable PhysicsResult lastPhysicsResult, boolean singleCollision)
      Moves bounding box with physics applied (ie checking against blocks)

      Works by getting all the full blocks that a bounding box could interact with. All bounding boxes inside the full blocks are checked for collisions with the given bounding box.

      blockGetter - the block getter to check collisions against, ensure block access is synchronized
      the result of physics simulation
    • isLineOfSightReachingShape

      public static boolean isLineOfSightReachingShape(@NotNull @NotNull Instance instance, @Nullable @Nullable Chunk chunk, @NotNull @NotNull Point start, @NotNull @NotNull Point end, @NotNull @NotNull Shape shape)
      Checks whether shape is reachable by the given line of sight (ie there are no blocks colliding with it).
      instance - the instance.
      chunk - optional chunk reference for speedup purposes.
      start - start of the line of sight.
      end - end of the line of sight.
      shape - shape to check.
      true is shape is reachable by the given line of sight; false otherwise.
    • handlePhysics

      public static PhysicsResult handlePhysics(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull @NotNull Vec entityVelocity)
    • canPlaceBlockAt

      public static Entity canPlaceBlockAt(Instance instance, Point blockPos, Block b)
    • applyWorldBorder

      @NotNull public static @NotNull Pos applyWorldBorder(@NotNull @NotNull WorldBorder worldBorder, @NotNull @NotNull Pos currentPosition, @NotNull @NotNull Pos newPosition)
      Applies world border collision.
      worldBorder - the world border
      currentPosition - the current position
      newPosition - the future target position
      the position with the world border collision applied (can be newPosition if not changed)
    • parseBlockShape

      public static Shape parseBlockShape(String collision, String occlusion, Registry.BlockEntry blockEntry)
    • blocklessCollision

      public static PhysicsResult blocklessCollision(@NotNull @NotNull Pos entityPosition, @NotNull @NotNull Vec entityVelocity)
      Simulate the entity's collision physics as if the world had no blocks
      entityPosition - the position of the entity
      entityVelocity - the velocity of the entity
      the result of physics simulation