Class Entity

All Implemented Interfaces:
Sound.Emitter, HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Shape, EventHandler<EntityEvent>, Snapshotable, Taggable, TagReadable, TagWritable, AcquirableSource<Entity>, Tickable, Schedulable, Viewable
Direct Known Subclasses:
EntityProjectile, ExperienceOrb, ItemEntity, LivingEntity

Could be a player, a monster, or an object.

To create your own entity you probably want to extend LivingEntity or EntityCreature instead.

  • Field Details

    • instance

      protected Instance instance
    • currentChunk

      protected Chunk currentChunk
    • position

      protected Pos position
    • previousPosition

      protected Pos previousPosition
    • lastSyncedPosition

      protected Pos lastSyncedPosition
    • onGround

      protected boolean onGround
    • boundingBox

      protected BoundingBox boundingBox
    • vehicle

      protected Entity vehicle
    • velocity

      protected Vec velocity
    • lastVelocityWasZero

      protected boolean lastVelocityWasZero
    • hasPhysics

      protected boolean hasPhysics
    • collidesWithEntities

      protected boolean collidesWithEntities
    • preventBlockPlacement

      protected boolean preventBlockPlacement
    • gravityTickCount

      protected int gravityTickCount
    • trackingUpdate

      protected final EntityTracker.Update<Entity> trackingUpdate
    • viewEngine

      protected final net.minestom.server.entity.EntityView viewEngine
    • viewers

      protected final Set<Player> viewers
    • removed

      protected boolean removed
    • entityType

      protected EntityType entityType
    • metadata

      protected MetadataHolder metadata
    • entityMeta

      protected EntityMeta entityMeta
  • Constructor Details

    • Entity

      public Entity(@NotNull @NotNull EntityType entityType, @NotNull @NotNull UUID uuid)
    • Entity

      public Entity(@NotNull @NotNull EntityType entityType)
  • Method Details

    • setPositionInternal

      protected void setPositionInternal(@NotNull @NotNull Pos newPosition)
    • scheduleNextTick

      public void scheduleNextTick(@NotNull @NotNull Consumer<Entity> callback)
      Schedules a task to be run during the next entity tick.
      callback - the task to execute during the next entity tick
    • generateId

      public static int generateId()
      Generate and return a new unique entity id.

      Useful if you want to spawn entities using packet but don't risk to have duplicated id.

      a newly generated entity id
    • update

      public void update(long time)
      Called each tick.
      time - time of the update in milliseconds
    • spawn

      public void spawn()
      Called when a new instance is set.
    • despawn

      protected void despawn()
      Called right before an entity is removed
    • isOnGround

      public boolean isOnGround()
    • getEntityMeta

      @NotNull public @NotNull EntityMeta getEntityMeta()
      Gets metadata of this entity. You may want to cast it to specific implementation.
      metadata of this entity.
    • editEntityMeta

      public <TMeta extends EntityMeta> void editEntityMeta(Class<TMeta> metaClass, Consumer<TMeta> editor)
      Do a batch edit of this entity's metadata.
    • teleport

      @NotNull public @NotNull CompletableFuture<Void> teleport(@NotNull @NotNull Pos position)
    • teleport

      @NotNull public @NotNull CompletableFuture<Void> teleport(@NotNull @NotNull Pos position, @NotNull @NotNull Vec velocity)
    • teleport

      @NotNull public @NotNull CompletableFuture<Void> teleport(@NotNull @NotNull Pos position, long @Nullable [] chunks, @MagicConstant(flagsFromClass=RelativeFlags.class) int flags)
    • teleport

      @NotNull public @NotNull CompletableFuture<Void> teleport(@NotNull @NotNull Pos position, @NotNull @NotNull Vec velocity, long @Nullable [] chunks, @MagicConstant(flagsFromClass=RelativeFlags.class) int flags)
    • teleport

      @NotNull public @NotNull CompletableFuture<Void> teleport(@NotNull @NotNull Pos position, long @Nullable [] chunks, @MagicConstant(flagsFromClass=RelativeFlags.class) int flags, boolean shouldConfirm)
    • teleport

      @NotNull public @NotNull CompletableFuture<Void> teleport(@NotNull @NotNull Pos position, @NotNull @NotNull Vec velocity, long @Nullable [] chunks, @MagicConstant(flagsFromClass=RelativeFlags.class) int flags, boolean shouldConfirm)
      Teleports the entity only if the chunk at position is loaded or if Instance.hasEnabledAutoChunkLoad() returns true.
      position - the teleport position
      chunks - the chunk indexes to load before teleporting the entity, indexes are from CoordConversion.chunkIndex(int, int), can be null or empty to only load the chunk at position
      flags - flags used to teleport the entity relatively rather than absolutely use RelativeFlags to see available flags
      shouldConfirm - if false, the teleportation will be done without confirmation
      IllegalStateException - if you try to teleport an entity before settings its instance
    • setView

      public void setView(float yaw, float pitch)
      Changes the view of the entity.
      yaw - the new yaw
      pitch - the new pitch
    • lookAt

      public void lookAt(@NotNull @NotNull Point point)
      Changes the view of the entity so that it looks in a direction to the given position if it is different from the entity's current position.
      point - the point to look at.
    • lookAt

      public void lookAt(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity)
      Changes the view of the entity so that it looks in a direction to the given entity.
      entity - the entity to look at.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the entities are not in the same instance
    • isAutoViewable

      public boolean isAutoViewable()
      Gets if this entity is automatically sent to surrounding players. True by default.
      true if the entity is automatically viewable for close players, false otherwise
    • setAutoViewable

      public void setAutoViewable(boolean autoViewable)
      Decides if this entity should be auto-viewable by nearby players.
      autoViewable - true to add surrounding players, false to remove
      See Also:
    • updateViewableRule

      public void updateViewableRule(@Nullable @Nullable Predicate<Player> predicate)
    • updateViewableRule

      public void updateViewableRule()
    • autoViewEntities

      public boolean autoViewEntities()
      Gets if surrounding entities are automatically visible by this. True by default.
      true if surrounding entities are visible by this
    • setAutoViewEntities

      public void setAutoViewEntities(boolean autoViewer)
      Decides if surrounding entities must be visible.
      autoViewer - true to add view surrounding entities, false to remove
    • updateViewerRule

      public void updateViewerRule(@Nullable @Nullable Predicate<Entity> predicate)
    • updateViewerRule

      public void updateViewerRule()
    • addViewer

      public final boolean addViewer(@NotNull @NotNull Player player)
      Description copied from interface: Viewable
      Adds a viewer.
      Specified by:
      addViewer in interface Viewable
      player - the viewer to add
      true if the player has been added, false otherwise (could be because he is already a viewer)
    • removeViewer

      public final boolean removeViewer(@NotNull @NotNull Player player)
      Description copied from interface: Viewable
      Removes a viewer.
      Specified by:
      removeViewer in interface Viewable
      player - the viewer to remove
      true if the player has been removed, false otherwise (could be because he was not a viewer)
    • updateNewViewer

      @Internal public void updateNewViewer(@NotNull @NotNull Player player)
      Called when a new viewer must be shown. Method can be subject to deadlocking if the target's viewers are also accessed.
      player - the player to send the packets to
    • updateOldViewer

      @Internal public void updateOldViewer(@NotNull @NotNull Player player)
      Called when a viewer must be destroyed. Method can be subject to deadlocking if the target's viewers are also accessed.
      player - the player to send the packets to
    • getViewers

      @NotNull public @NotNull Set<Player> getViewers()
      Description copied from interface: Viewable
      Gets all the viewers of this viewable element.
      Specified by:
      getViewers in interface Viewable
      A Set containing all the element's viewers
    • hasPredictableViewers

      public boolean hasPredictableViewers()
      Gets if this entity's viewers (surrounding players) can be predicted from surrounding chunks.
    • switchEntityType

      public void switchEntityType(@NotNull @NotNull EntityType entityType)
      Changes the entity type of this entity.

      Works by changing the internal entity type field and by calling removeViewer(Player) followed by addViewer(Player) to all current viewers.

      Be aware that this only change the visual of the entity, the BoundingBox will not be modified.

      entityType - the new entity type
    • tick

      public void tick(long time)
      Updates the entity, called every tick.

      Ignored if getInstance() returns null.

      Specified by:
      tick in interface Tickable
      time - the update time in milliseconds
    • movementTick

      @Internal protected void movementTick()
    • getAliveTicks

      public long getAliveTicks()
      Gets the number of ticks this entity has been active for.
      the number of ticks this entity has been active for
    • getEntityId

      public int getEntityId()
      Each entity has an unique id (server-wide) which will change after a restart.
      the unique entity id
      See Also:
    • getEntityType

      @NotNull public @NotNull EntityType getEntityType()
      Returns the entity type.
      the entity type
    • getUuid

      @NotNull public @NotNull UUID getUuid()
      Gets the entity UUID.
      the entity unique id
    • isActive

      public boolean isActive()
      Returns false just after instantiation, set to true after calling setInstance(Instance).
      true if the entity has been linked to an instance, false otherwise
    • getBoundingBox

      @NotNull public @NotNull BoundingBox getBoundingBox()
      Returns the current bounding box (based on pose). Is used to check collision with coordinates or other blocks/entities.
      the entity bounding box
    • setBoundingBox

      public void setBoundingBox(double width, double height, double depth)
      Changes the internal entity standing bounding box. When the pose is not standing, a different bounding box may be used for collision.

      WARNING: this does not change the entity hit-box which is client-side.

      width - the bounding box X size
      height - the bounding box Y size
      depth - the bounding box Z size
    • setBoundingBox

      public void setBoundingBox(BoundingBox boundingBox)
      Changes the internal entity standing bounding box. When the pose is not standing, a different bounding box may be used for collision.

      WARNING: this does not change the entity hit-box which is client-side.

      boundingBox - the new bounding box
    • getChunk

      @Nullable public @Nullable Chunk getChunk()
      Convenient method to get the entity current chunk.
      the entity chunk, can be null even if unlikely
    • refreshCurrentChunk

      @Internal protected void refreshCurrentChunk(Chunk currentChunk)
    • getInstance

      public @UnknownNullability Instance getInstance()
      Gets the entity current instance.
      the entity instance, can be null if the entity doesn't have an instance yet
    • setInstance

      public CompletableFuture<Void> setInstance(@NotNull @NotNull Instance instance, @NotNull @NotNull Pos spawnPosition)
      Changes the entity instance, i.e. spawns it.
      instance - the new instance of the entity
      spawnPosition - the spawn position for the entity.
      a CompletableFuture called once the entity's instance has been set, this is due to chunks needing to load
      IllegalStateException - if instance has not been registered in InstanceManager
    • setInstance

      public CompletableFuture<Void> setInstance(@NotNull @NotNull Instance instance, @NotNull @NotNull Point spawnPosition)
    • setInstance

      public CompletableFuture<Void> setInstance(@NotNull @NotNull Instance instance)
      Changes the entity instance.
      instance - the new instance of the entity
      a CompletableFuture called once the entity's instance has been set, this is due to chunks needing to load
      NullPointerException - if instance is null
      IllegalStateException - if instance has not been registered in InstanceManager
    • getVelocity

      @NotNull public @NotNull Vec getVelocity()
      Gets the entity current velocity.
      the entity current velocity
    • setVelocity

      public void setVelocity(@NotNull @NotNull Vec velocity)
      Changes the entity velocity and calls EntityVelocityEvent.

      The final velocity can be cancelled or modified by the event.

      velocity - the new entity velocity
    • hasVelocity

      public boolean hasVelocity()
      Gets if the entity currently has a velocity applied.
      true if the entity is moving
    • getAerodynamics

      @NotNull public @NotNull Aerodynamics getAerodynamics()
      Gets the aerodynamics; how the entity behaves in the air.
      the aerodynamic properties this entity is using
    • setAerodynamics

      public void setAerodynamics(@NotNull @NotNull Aerodynamics aerodynamics)
      Sets the aerodynamics; how the entity behaves in the air.
      aerodynamics - the new aerodynamic properties
    • getGravityTickCount

      public int getGravityTickCount()
      Gets the number of tick this entity has been applied gravity.
      the number of tick of which gravity has been consequently applied
    • getDistance

      public double getDistance(@NotNull @NotNull Point point)
    • getDistance

      public double getDistance(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity)
      Gets the distance between two entities.
      entity - the entity to get the distance from
      the distance between this and entity
    • getDistanceSquared

      public double getDistanceSquared(@NotNull @NotNull Point point)
    • getDistanceSquared

      public double getDistanceSquared(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity)
      Gets the distance squared between two entities.
      entity - the entity to get the distance from
      the distance squared between this and entity
    • getVehicle

      @Nullable public @Nullable Entity getVehicle()
      Gets the entity vehicle or null.
      the entity vehicle, or null if there is not any
    • addPassenger

      public void addPassenger(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity)
      Adds a new passenger to this entity.
      entity - the new passenger
      NullPointerException - if entity is null
      IllegalStateException - if getInstance() returns null or the passenger cannot be added
    • removePassenger

      public void removePassenger(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity)
      Removes a passenger to this entity.
      entity - the passenger to remove
      NullPointerException - if entity is null
      IllegalStateException - if getInstance() returns null
    • hasPassenger

      public boolean hasPassenger()
      Gets if the entity has any passenger.
      true if the entity has any passenger, false otherwise
    • getPassengers

      @NotNull public @NotNull Set<@NotNull Entity> getPassengers()
      Gets the entity passengers.
      an unmodifiable list containing all the entity passengers
    • getPassengersPacket

      @NotNull protected @NotNull SetPassengersPacket getPassengersPacket()
    • getLeashedEntities

      @NotNull public @NotNull Set<Entity> getLeashedEntities()
      Gets the entities that this entity is leashing.
      an unmodifiable list containing all the leashed entities
    • getLeashHolder

      @Nullable public @Nullable Entity getLeashHolder()
      Gets the current leash holder.
      the entity leashing this entity, null if no leash holder
    • setLeashHolder

      public void setLeashHolder(@Nullable @Nullable Entity entity)
      Sets the leash holder to this entity.
      entity - the new leash holder
    • getAttachEntityPacket

      @NotNull protected @NotNull AttachEntityPacket getAttachEntityPacket()
    • triggerStatus

      public void triggerStatus(byte status)
      Entity statuses can be found here.
      status - the status to trigger
    • isOnFire

      public boolean isOnFire()
      Gets if the entity is on fire.
      true if the entity is in fire, false otherwise
    • isSneaking

      public boolean isSneaking()
      Gets if the entity is sneaking.

      WARNING: this can be bypassed by hacked client, this is only what the client told the server.

      true if the player is sneaking
    • setSneaking

      public void setSneaking(boolean sneaking)
      Makes the entity sneak.

      WARNING: this will not work for the client itself.

      sneaking - true to make the entity sneak
    • isSprinting

      public boolean isSprinting()
      Gets if the player is sprinting.

      WARNING: this can be bypassed by hacked client, this is only what the client told the server.

      true if the player is sprinting
    • setSprinting

      public void setSprinting(boolean sprinting)
      Makes the entity sprint.

      WARNING: this will not work on the client itself.

      sprinting - true to make the entity sprint
    • isInvisible

      public boolean isInvisible()
      Gets if the entity is invisible or not.
      true if the entity is invisible, false otherwise
    • setInvisible

      public void setInvisible(boolean invisible)
      Changes the internal invisible value and send a EntityMetaDataPacket to make visible or invisible the entity to its viewers.
      invisible - true to set the entity invisible, false otherwise
    • isGlowing

      public boolean isGlowing()
      Gets if the entity is glowing or not.
      true if the entity is glowing, false otherwise
    • setGlowing

      public void setGlowing(boolean glowing)
      Sets or remove the entity glowing effect.
      glowing - true to make the entity glows, false otherwise
    • getPose

      @NotNull public @NotNull EntityPose getPose()
      Gets the current entity pose.
      the entity pose
    • setPose

      public void setPose(@NotNull @NotNull EntityPose pose)
      Changes the entity pose.

      The internal crouched and swimming field will be updated accordingly.

      pose - the new entity pose
    • updatePose

      protected void updatePose()
    • getCustomName

      @Nullable public @Nullable Component getCustomName()
      Gets the entity custom name.
      the custom name of the entity, null if there is not
    • setCustomName

      public void setCustomName(@Nullable @Nullable Component customName)
      Changes the entity custom name.
      customName - the custom name of the entity, null to remove it
    • isCustomNameVisible

      public boolean isCustomNameVisible()
      Gets the custom name visible metadata field.
      true if the custom name is visible, false otherwise
    • setCustomNameVisible

      public void setCustomNameVisible(boolean customNameVisible)
      Changes the internal custom name visible field and send a EntityMetaDataPacket to update the entity state to its viewers.
      customNameVisible - true to make the custom name visible, false otherwise
    • isSilent

      public boolean isSilent()
    • setSilent

      public void setSilent(boolean silent)
    • hasNoGravity

      public boolean hasNoGravity()
      Gets the noGravity metadata field.
      true if the entity ignore gravity, false otherwise
    • setNoGravity

      public void setNoGravity(boolean noGravity)
      Changes the noGravity metadata field and change the gravity behaviour accordingly.
      noGravity - should the entity ignore gravity
    • refreshPosition

      @Internal public void refreshPosition(@NotNull @NotNull Pos newPosition, boolean ignoreView, boolean sendPackets)
      Updates internal fields and sends updates.
      newPosition - the new position
    • refreshPosition

      @Internal public void refreshPosition(@NotNull @NotNull Pos newPosition, boolean ignoreView)
    • refreshPosition

      @Internal public void refreshPosition(@NotNull @NotNull Pos newPosition)
    • refreshCoordinate

      @Internal protected void refreshCoordinate(Point newPosition)
      Used to refresh the entity and its passengers position - put the entity in the right instance chunk - update the viewable chunks (load and unload) - add/remove players from the viewers list if isAutoViewable() is enabled

      WARNING: unsafe, should only be used internally in Minestom. Use teleport(Pos) instead.

      newPosition - the new position
    • getPosition

      @NotNull public @NotNull Pos getPosition()
      Gets the entity position.
      the current position of the entity
    • getPreviousPosition

      @NotNull public @NotNull Pos getPreviousPosition()
      Gets the previous entity position.
      the previous position of the entity
    • getEyeHeight

      public double getEyeHeight()
      Gets the entity eye height.
      the entity eye height
    • getActiveEffects

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<@NotNull TimedPotion> getActiveEffects()
      Gets all the potion effect of this entity.
      an unmodifiable list of all this entity effects
    • addEffect

      public void addEffect(@NotNull @NotNull Potion potion)
      Adds an effect to an entity.
      potion - The potion to add
    • removeEffect

      public void removeEffect(@NotNull @NotNull PotionEffect effect)
      Removes effect from entity, if it has it.
      effect - The effect to remove
    • hasEffect

      public boolean hasEffect(@NotNull @NotNull PotionEffect effect)
      If the entity has the specified effect.
      effect - the effect to check
    • getEffect

      @Nullable public @Nullable TimedPotion getEffect(@NotNull @NotNull PotionEffect effect)
      Gets the TimedPotion of the specified effect.
      effect - the effect type
      the effect, null if not found
    • getEffectLevel

      public int getEffectLevel(@NotNull @NotNull PotionEffect effect)
      Gets the level of the specified effect.
      effect - the effect type
      the effect level, -1 if not found
    • clearEffects

      public void clearEffects()
      Removes all the effects currently applied to the entity.
    • remove

      public void remove()
      Removes the entity from the server immediately.

      WARNING: this does not trigger EntityDeathEvent.

    • remove

      protected void remove(boolean permanent)
    • isRemoved

      public boolean isRemoved()
      Gets if this entity has been removed.
      true if this entity is removed
    • scheduleRemove

      public void scheduleRemove(long delay, @NotNull @NotNull TemporalUnit temporalUnit)
      Triggers remove() after the specified time.
      delay - the time before removing the entity, 0 to cancel the removing
      temporalUnit - the unit of the delay
    • scheduleRemove

      public void scheduleRemove(Duration delay)
      Triggers remove() after the specified time.
      delay - the time before removing the entity
    • getVelocityForPacket

      @NotNull protected @NotNull Vec getVelocityForPacket()
    • getVelocityPacket

      @NotNull protected @NotNull EntityVelocityPacket getVelocityPacket()
    • getMetadataPacket

      @NotNull public @NotNull EntityMetaDataPacket getMetadataPacket()
      Gets an EntityMetaDataPacket sent when adding viewers. Used for synchronization.
      The EntityMetaDataPacket related to this entity
    • synchronizePosition

      @Internal protected void synchronizePosition()
      Used to synchronize entity position with viewers by sending a full EntityPositionSyncPacket to viewers.
    • synchronizeNextTick

      public void synchronizeNextTick()
      Asks for a position synchronization to happen during next entity tick.
    • getSynchronizationTicks

      public long getSynchronizationTicks()
      Returns the current synchronization interval. The default value is ServerFlag.ENTITY_SYNCHRONIZATION_TICKS but can be overridden per entity with setSynchronizationTicks(long).
      The current synchronization ticks
    • setSynchronizationTicks

      public void setSynchronizationTicks(long ticks)
      Set the tick period until this entity's position is synchronized.
      ticks - the new synchronization tick period
    • asHoverEvent

      @NotNull public @NotNull HoverEvent<HoverEvent.ShowEntity> asHoverEvent(@NotNull @NotNull UnaryOperator<HoverEvent.ShowEntity> op)
      Specified by:
      asHoverEvent in interface HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>
    • tagHandler

      @NotNull public @NotNull TagHandler tagHandler()
      Specified by:
      tagHandler in interface Taggable
    • scheduler

      @NotNull public @NotNull Scheduler scheduler()
      Specified by:
      scheduler in interface Schedulable
    • updateSnapshot

      @NotNull public @NotNull EntitySnapshot updateSnapshot(@NotNull @NotNull SnapshotUpdater updater)
      Description copied from interface: Snapshotable
      Updates the currently cached snapshot if required. The updater can be used to retrieve references to other snapshots while avoiding circular dependency. Be careful to do not store updater anywhere as its data will change when building requested references.

      This method is not thread-safe, and targeted at internal use since its execution rely on safe-points (e.g. end of ticks)

      Specified by:
      updateSnapshot in interface Snapshotable
      updater - the snapshot updater/context
      the updated snapshot
    • eventNode

      @NotNull public @NotNull EventNode<EntityEvent> eventNode()
      Specified by:
      eventNode in interface EventHandler<EntityEvent>
    • takeKnockback

      public void takeKnockback(float strength, double x, double z)
      Applies knockback to the entity
      strength - the strength of the knockback, 0.4 is the vanilla value for a bare hand hit
      x - knockback on x axle, for default knockback use the following formula
      sin(attacker.yaw * (pi/180))
      z - knockback on z axle, for default knockback use the following formula
      -cos(attacker.yaw * (pi/180))
    • getLineOfSight

      public List<Point> getLineOfSight(int maxDistance)
      Gets the line of sight of the entity.
      maxDistance - The max distance to scan
      A list of points in this entities line of sight
    • hasLineOfSight

      public boolean hasLineOfSight(Entity entity, boolean exactView)
      Raycasts current entity's eye position to target eye position.
      entity - the entity to be checked.
      exactView - if set to TRUE, checks whether target is IN the line of sight of the current one; otherwise checks if the current entity can rotate so that target will be in its line of sight.
      true if the ray reaches the target bounding box before hitting a block.
    • hasLineOfSight

      public boolean hasLineOfSight(Entity entity)
      entity - the entity to be checked.
      if the current entity has line of sight to the given one.
      See Also:
    • getLineOfSightEntity

      @Nullable public @Nullable Entity getLineOfSightEntity(double range, Predicate<Entity> predicate)
      Gets first entity on the line of sight of the current one that matches the given predicate.
      range - max length of the line of sight of the current entity to be checked.
      predicate - optional predicate
      resulting entity whether there're any, null otherwise.
    • isOccluded

      public boolean isOccluded(@NotNull @NotNull Shape shape, @NotNull @NotNull BlockFace face)
      Specified by:
      isOccluded in interface Shape
    • intersectBox

      public boolean intersectBox(@NotNull @NotNull Point positionRelative, @NotNull @NotNull BoundingBox boundingBox)
      Description copied from interface: Shape
      Checks if two bounding boxes intersect.
      Specified by:
      intersectBox in interface Shape
      positionRelative - Relative position of bounding box to check with
      boundingBox - Bounding box to check for intersections with
      is an intersection found
    • intersectBoxSwept

      public boolean intersectBoxSwept(@NotNull @NotNull Point rayStart, @NotNull @NotNull Point rayDirection, @NotNull @NotNull Point shapePos, @NotNull @NotNull BoundingBox moving, @NotNull @NotNull SweepResult finalResult)
      Description copied from interface: Shape
      Checks if a moving bounding box will hit this shape.
      Specified by:
      intersectBoxSwept in interface Shape
      rayStart - Position of the moving shape
      rayDirection - Movement vector
      shapePos - Position of this shape
      moving - Bounding Box of moving shape
      finalResult - Stores final SweepResult
      is an intersection found
    • relativeStart

      @NotNull public @NotNull Point relativeStart()
      Description copied from interface: Shape
      Relative Start
      Specified by:
      relativeStart in interface Shape
      Start of shape
    • relativeEnd

      @NotNull public @NotNull Point relativeEnd()
      Description copied from interface: Shape
      Relative End
      Specified by:
      relativeEnd in interface Shape
      End of shape
    • hasEntityCollision

      public boolean hasEntityCollision()
    • preventBlockPlacement

      public boolean preventBlockPlacement()
    • updateCollisions

      protected void updateCollisions()
    • getAcquirable

      @Deprecated @Experimental @NotNull public <T extends Entity> @NotNull Acquirable<T> getAcquirable()
      It's preferred to use AcquirableSource.acquirable() instead, as it is overridden by subclasses
      Acquires this entity.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of object to be acquired
      the acquirable for this entity
    • acquirable

      @Experimental @NotNull public @NotNull Acquirable<? extends Entity> acquirable()
      Description copied from interface: AcquirableSource
      Obtains an Acquirable. To safely perform operations on this object, the user must call Acquirable.sync(Consumer) or Acquirable.lock() (followed by a subsequent unlock) on the Acquirable instance.
      Specified by:
      acquirable in interface AcquirableSource<Entity>
      an Acquirable which can be used to synchronize access to this object