Class LivingEntity

All Implemented Interfaces:
Sound.Emitter, HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Shape, EventHandler<EntityEvent>, EquipmentHandler, Snapshotable, Taggable, TagReadable, TagWritable, AcquirableSource<Entity>, Tickable, Schedulable, Viewable
Direct Known Subclasses:
EntityCreature, Player

public class LivingEntity extends Entity implements EquipmentHandler
  • Field Details


      @Internal public static final Set<net.kyori.adventure.key.Key> PROTECTED_MODIFIERS
      IDs of modifiers that are protected from removal by methods like AttributeInstance.clearModifiers().
    • canPickupItem

      protected boolean canPickupItem
    • itemPickupCooldown

      protected Cooldown itemPickupCooldown
    • isDead

      protected boolean isDead
    • lastDamage

      protected Damage lastDamage
    • expandedBoundingBox

      protected BoundingBox expandedBoundingBox
    • invulnerable

      protected boolean invulnerable
  • Constructor Details

    • LivingEntity

      public LivingEntity(@NotNull @NotNull EntityType entityType, @NotNull @NotNull UUID uuid)
      Constructor which allows to specify an UUID. Only use if you know what you are doing!
    • LivingEntity

      public LivingEntity(@NotNull @NotNull EntityType entityType)
  • Method Details

    • setSprinting

      public void setSprinting(boolean sprinting)
      Description copied from class: Entity
      Makes the entity sprint.

      WARNING: this will not work on the client itself.

      setSprinting in class Entity
      sprinting - true to make the entity sprint
    • getEquipment

      @NotNull public @NotNull ItemStack getEquipment(@NotNull @NotNull EquipmentSlot slot)
      Description copied from interface: EquipmentHandler
      Gets the equipment in a specific slot.
      Specified by:
      getEquipment in interface EquipmentHandler
      slot - the equipment to get the item from
      the equipment ItemStack
    • setEquipment

      public void setEquipment(@NotNull @NotNull EquipmentSlot slot, @NotNull @NotNull ItemStack itemStack)
      Specified by:
      setEquipment in interface EquipmentHandler
    • updateEquipmentAttributes

      @Internal public void updateEquipmentAttributes(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack oldItemStack, @NotNull @NotNull ItemStack newItemStack, @NotNull @NotNull EquipmentSlot slot)
      Updates the current attributes of the living entity based on
      oldItemStack - The ItemStack that has been removed, modifiers on this stack will be removed from the entity
      newItemStack - The ItemStack that has been added, modifiers on this stack will be added to the entity
      slot - The slot that changed, this will determine what modifiers are actually changed
    • update

      public void update(long time)
      Description copied from class: Entity
      Called each tick.
      update in class Entity
      time - time of the update in milliseconds
    • getArrowCount

      public int getArrowCount()
      Gets the amount of arrows in the entity.
      the arrow count
    • setArrowCount

      public void setArrowCount(int arrowCount)
      Changes the amount of arrow stuck in the entity.
      arrowCount - the arrow count
    • isInvulnerable

      public boolean isInvulnerable()
      Gets if the entity is invulnerable.
      true if the entity is invulnerable
    • setInvulnerable

      public void setInvulnerable(boolean invulnerable)
      Makes the entity vulnerable or invulnerable.
      invulnerable - should the entity be invulnerable
    • kill

      public void kill()
      Kills the entity, trigger the EntityDeathEvent event.
    • getFireTicks

      public int getFireTicks()
      Gets the amount of ticks this entity is on fire for.
      the remaining duration of fire in ticks, 0 if not on fire
    • setFireTicks

      public void setFireTicks(int ticks)
      Sets this entity on fire for the given ticks.
      ticks - duration of fire in ticks
    • damage

      public boolean damage(@NotNull DynamicRegistry.Key<DamageType> type, float amount)
    • damage

      public boolean damage(@NotNull @NotNull Damage damage)
      Damages the entity by a value, the type of the damage also has to be specified.
      damage - the damage to be applied
      true if damage has been applied, false if it didn't
    • isImmune

      public boolean isImmune(@NotNull DynamicRegistry.Key<DamageType> type)
      Is this entity immune to the given type of damage?
      type - the type of damage
      true if this entity is immune to the given type of damage
    • getHealth

      public float getHealth()
      Gets the entity health.
      the entity health
    • setHealth

      public void setHealth(float health)
      Changes the entity health, kill it if health is <= 0 and is not dead yet.
      health - the new entity health
    • getLastDamageSource

      @Nullable public @Nullable Damage getLastDamageSource()
      Gets the last damage source which damaged of this entity.
      the last damage source, null if not any
    • heal

      public void heal()
      Sets the heal of the entity as its max health.

      Retrieved from getAttributeValue(Attribute) with the attribute Attributes.MAX_HEALTH.

    • getAttribute

      @NotNull public @NotNull AttributeInstance getAttribute(@NotNull @NotNull Attribute attribute)
      Retrieves the attribute instance and its modifiers.
      attribute - the attribute instance to get
      the attribute instance
    • getAttributes

      @NotNull public @NotNull @UnmodifiableView Collection<AttributeInstance> getAttributes()
      Retrieves all AttributeInstances on this entity.
      a collection of all attribute instances on this entity
    • onAttributeChanged

      protected void onAttributeChanged(@NotNull @NotNull AttributeInstance attributeInstance)
      Callback used when an attribute instance has been modified.
      attributeInstance - the modified attribute instance
    • getAttributeValue

      public double getAttributeValue(@NotNull @NotNull Attribute attribute)
      Retrieves the attribute value.
      attribute - the attribute value to get
      the attribute value
    • isDead

      public boolean isDead()
      Gets if the entity is dead or not.
      true if the entity is dead
    • canPickupItem

      public boolean canPickupItem()
      Gets if the entity is able to pickup items.
      true if the entity is able to pickup items
    • setCanPickupItem

      public void setCanPickupItem(boolean canPickupItem)
      When set to false, the entity will not be able to pick ItemEntity on the ground.
      canPickupItem - can the entity pickup item
    • shouldSendAttributes

      protected boolean shouldSendAttributes()
      Check if this entity should send an EntityAttributesPacket. This is true for players and entities whose spawn type is LIVING, but false for others.
      true if this entity needs to send attributes, false otherwise
    • updateNewViewer

      public void updateNewViewer(@NotNull @NotNull Player player)
      Description copied from class: Entity
      Called when a new viewer must be shown. Method can be subject to deadlocking if the target's viewers are also accessed.
      updateNewViewer in class Entity
      player - the player to send the packets to
    • setBoundingBox

      public void setBoundingBox(BoundingBox boundingBox)
      Description copied from class: Entity
      Changes the internal entity standing bounding box. When the pose is not standing, a different bounding box may be used for collision.

      WARNING: this does not change the entity hit-box which is client-side.

      setBoundingBox in class Entity
      boundingBox - the new bounding box
    • swingMainHand

      public void swingMainHand()
      Sends a EntityAnimationPacket to swing the main hand (can be used for attack animation).
    • swingOffHand

      public void swingOffHand()
      Sends a EntityAnimationPacket to swing the off hand (can be used for attack animation).
    • swingMainHand

      @Internal public void swingMainHand(boolean fromClient)
      Sends a EntityAnimationPacket to swing the main hand (can be used for attack animation).
      fromClient - if true, broadcast only to viewers
    • swingOffHand

      @Internal public void swingOffHand(boolean fromClient)
      Sends a EntityAnimationPacket to swing the off hand (can be used for attack animation).
      fromClient - if true, broadcast only to viewers
    • refreshActiveHand

      public void refreshActiveHand(boolean isHandActive, boolean offHand, boolean riptideSpinAttack)
    • isFlyingWithElytra

      public boolean isFlyingWithElytra()
    • setFlyingWithElytra

      public void setFlyingWithElytra(boolean isFlying)
    • refreshIsDead

      protected void refreshIsDead(boolean isDead)
      Used to change the isDead internal field.
      isDead - the new field value
    • getPropertiesPacket

      @NotNull protected @NotNull EntityAttributesPacket getPropertiesPacket()
      Gets an EntityAttributesPacket for this entity with all of its attributes values.
      an EntityAttributesPacket linked to this entity
    • setTeam

      public void setTeam(@Nullable @Nullable Team team)
      Changes the Team for the entity.
      team - The new team
    • getTeam

      @Nullable public @Nullable Team getTeam()
      Gets the Team of the entity.
      the Team
    • getTargetBlockPosition

      @Nullable public @Nullable Point getTargetBlockPosition(int maxDistance)
      Gets the target (not-air) block position of the entity.
      maxDistance - The max distance to scan before returning null
      The block position targeted by this entity, null if non are found
    • getLivingEntityMeta

      @Nullable public @Nullable LivingEntityMeta getLivingEntityMeta()
      Gets EntityMeta of this entity casted to LivingEntityMeta.
      null if meta of this entity does not inherit LivingEntityMeta, casted value otherwise.
    • takeKnockback

      public void takeKnockback(float strength, double x, double z)
      Applies knockback

      Note: The strength is reduced based on knockback resistance

      takeKnockback in class Entity
      strength - the strength of the knockback, 0.4 is the vanilla value for a bare hand hit
      x - knockback on x axle, for default knockback use the following formula
      sin(attacker.yaw * (pi/180))
      z - knockback on z axle, for default knockback use the following formula
      -cos(attacker.yaw * (pi/180))
    • acquirable

      @Experimental @NotNull public @NotNull Acquirable<? extends LivingEntity> acquirable()
      Description copied from interface: AcquirableSource
      Obtains an Acquirable. To safely perform operations on this object, the user must call Acquirable.sync(Consumer) or Acquirable.lock() (followed by a subsequent unlock) on the Acquirable instance.
      Specified by:
      acquirable in interface AcquirableSource<Entity>
      acquirable in class Entity
      an Acquirable which can be used to synchronize access to this object