Class LivingEntity

All Implemented Interfaces:
Sound.Emitter, HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Shape, EventHandler<EntityEvent>, EquipmentHandler, PermissionHandler, Snapshotable, Taggable, TagReadable, TagWritable, AcquirableSource<Entity>, Tickable, Schedulable, Viewable
Direct Known Subclasses:
EntityCreature, Player

public class LivingEntity extends Entity implements EquipmentHandler
  • Field Details


      @Internal public static final Set<NamespaceID> PROTECTED_MODIFIERS
      IDs of modifiers that are protected from removal by methods like AttributeInstance.clearModifiers().
    • canPickupItem

      protected boolean canPickupItem
    • itemPickupCooldown

      protected Cooldown itemPickupCooldown
    • isDead

      protected boolean isDead
    • lastDamage

      protected Damage lastDamage
    • expandedBoundingBox

      protected BoundingBox expandedBoundingBox
    • invulnerable

      protected boolean invulnerable
  • Constructor Details

    • LivingEntity

      public LivingEntity(@NotNull @NotNull EntityType entityType, @NotNull @NotNull UUID uuid)
      Constructor which allows to specify an UUID. Only use if you know what you are doing!
    • LivingEntity

      public LivingEntity(@NotNull @NotNull EntityType entityType)
  • Method Details

    • setSprinting

      public void setSprinting(boolean sprinting)
      Description copied from class: Entity
      Makes the entity sprint.

      WARNING: this will not work on the client itself.

      setSprinting in class Entity
      sprinting - true to make the entity sprint
    • getItemInMainHand

      @NotNull public @NotNull ItemStack getItemInMainHand()
      Description copied from interface: EquipmentHandler
      Gets the ItemStack in main hand.
      Specified by:
      getItemInMainHand in interface EquipmentHandler
      the ItemStack in main hand
    • setItemInMainHand

      public void setItemInMainHand(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack itemStack)
      Description copied from interface: EquipmentHandler
      Changes the main hand ItemStack.
      Specified by:
      setItemInMainHand in interface EquipmentHandler
      itemStack - the main hand ItemStack
    • getItemInOffHand

      @NotNull public @NotNull ItemStack getItemInOffHand()
      Description copied from interface: EquipmentHandler
      Gets the ItemStack in off hand.
      Specified by:
      getItemInOffHand in interface EquipmentHandler
      the item in off hand
    • setItemInOffHand

      public void setItemInOffHand(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack itemStack)
      Description copied from interface: EquipmentHandler
      Changes the off hand ItemStack.
      Specified by:
      setItemInOffHand in interface EquipmentHandler
      itemStack - the off hand ItemStack
    • getHelmet

      @NotNull public @NotNull ItemStack getHelmet()
      Description copied from interface: EquipmentHandler
      Gets the helmet.
      Specified by:
      getHelmet in interface EquipmentHandler
      the helmet
    • setHelmet

      public void setHelmet(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack itemStack)
      Description copied from interface: EquipmentHandler
      Changes the helmet.
      Specified by:
      setHelmet in interface EquipmentHandler
      itemStack - the helmet
    • getChestplate

      @NotNull public @NotNull ItemStack getChestplate()
      Description copied from interface: EquipmentHandler
      Gets the chestplate.
      Specified by:
      getChestplate in interface EquipmentHandler
      the chestplate
    • setChestplate

      public void setChestplate(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack itemStack)
      Description copied from interface: EquipmentHandler
      Changes the chestplate.
      Specified by:
      setChestplate in interface EquipmentHandler
      itemStack - the chestplate
    • getLeggings

      @NotNull public @NotNull ItemStack getLeggings()
      Description copied from interface: EquipmentHandler
      Gets the leggings.
      Specified by:
      getLeggings in interface EquipmentHandler
      the leggings
    • setLeggings

      public void setLeggings(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack itemStack)
      Description copied from interface: EquipmentHandler
      Changes the leggings.
      Specified by:
      setLeggings in interface EquipmentHandler
      itemStack - the leggings
    • getBoots

      @NotNull public @NotNull ItemStack getBoots()
      Description copied from interface: EquipmentHandler
      Gets the boots.
      Specified by:
      getBoots in interface EquipmentHandler
      the boots
    • setBoots

      public void setBoots(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack itemStack)
      Description copied from interface: EquipmentHandler
      Changes the boots.
      Specified by:
      setBoots in interface EquipmentHandler
      itemStack - the boots
    • updateEquipmentAttributes

      @Internal public void updateEquipmentAttributes(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack oldItemStack, @NotNull @NotNull ItemStack newItemStack, @NotNull @NotNull EquipmentSlot slot)
      Updates the current attributes of the living entity based on
      oldItemStack - The ItemStack that has been removed, modifiers on this stack will be removed from the entity
      newItemStack - The ItemStack that has been added, modifiers on this stack will be added to the entity
      slot - The slot that changed, this will determine what modifiers are actually changed
    • update

      public void update(long time)
      Description copied from class: Entity
      Called each tick.
      update in class Entity
      time - time of the update in milliseconds
    • getArrowCount

      public int getArrowCount()
      Gets the amount of arrows in the entity.
      the arrow count
    • setArrowCount

      public void setArrowCount(int arrowCount)
      Changes the amount of arrow stuck in the entity.
      arrowCount - the arrow count
    • isInvulnerable

      public boolean isInvulnerable()
      Gets if the entity is invulnerable.
      true if the entity is invulnerable
    • setInvulnerable

      public void setInvulnerable(boolean invulnerable)
      Makes the entity vulnerable or invulnerable.
      invulnerable - should the entity be invulnerable
    • kill

      public void kill()
      Kills the entity, trigger the EntityDeathEvent event.
    • getFireTicks

      public int getFireTicks()
      Gets the amount of ticks this entity is on fire for.
      the remaining duration of fire in ticks, 0 if not on fire
    • setFireTicks

      public void setFireTicks(int ticks)
      Sets this entity on fire for the given ticks.
      ticks - duration of fire in ticks
    • damage

      public boolean damage(@NotNull DynamicRegistry.Key<DamageType> type, float amount)
    • damage

      public boolean damage(@NotNull @NotNull Damage damage)
      Damages the entity by a value, the type of the damage also has to be specified.
      damage - the damage to be applied
      true if damage has been applied, false if it didn't
    • isImmune

      public boolean isImmune(@NotNull DynamicRegistry.Key<DamageType> type)
      Is this entity immune to the given type of damage?
      type - the type of damage
      true if this entity is immune to the given type of damage
    • getHealth

      public float getHealth()
      Gets the entity health.
      the entity health
    • setHealth

      public void setHealth(float health)
      Changes the entity health, kill it if health is <= 0 and is not dead yet.
      health - the new entity health
    • getLastDamageSource

      @Nullable public @Nullable Damage getLastDamageSource()
      Gets the last damage source which damaged of this entity.
      the last damage source, null if not any
    • heal

      public void heal()
      Sets the heal of the entity as its max health.

      Retrieved from getAttributeValue(Attribute) with the attribute Attributes.GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH.

    • getAttribute

      @NotNull public @NotNull AttributeInstance getAttribute(@NotNull @NotNull Attribute attribute)
      Retrieves the attribute instance and its modifiers.
      attribute - the attribute instance to get
      the attribute instance
    • getAttributes

      @NotNull public @NotNull @UnmodifiableView Collection<AttributeInstance> getAttributes()
      Retrieves all AttributeInstances on this entity.
      a collection of all attribute instances on this entity
    • onAttributeChanged

      protected void onAttributeChanged(@NotNull @NotNull AttributeInstance attributeInstance)
      Callback used when an attribute instance has been modified.
      attributeInstance - the modified attribute instance
    • getAttributeValue

      public double getAttributeValue(@NotNull @NotNull Attribute attribute)
      Retrieves the attribute value.
      attribute - the attribute value to get
      the attribute value
    • isDead

      public boolean isDead()
      Gets if the entity is dead or not.
      true if the entity is dead
    • canPickupItem

      public boolean canPickupItem()
      Gets if the entity is able to pickup items.
      true if the entity is able to pickup items
    • setCanPickupItem

      public void setCanPickupItem(boolean canPickupItem)
      When set to false, the entity will not be able to pick ItemEntity on the ground.
      canPickupItem - can the entity pickup item
    • updateNewViewer

      public void updateNewViewer(@NotNull @NotNull Player player)
      Description copied from class: Entity
      Called when a new viewer must be shown. Method can be subject to deadlocking if the target's viewers are also accessed.
      updateNewViewer in class Entity
      player - the player to send the packets to
    • setBoundingBox

      public void setBoundingBox(BoundingBox boundingBox)
      Description copied from class: Entity
      Changes the internal entity standing bounding box. When the pose is not standing, a different bounding box may be used for collision.

      WARNING: this does not change the entity hit-box which is client-side.

      setBoundingBox in class Entity
      boundingBox - the new bounding box
    • swingMainHand

      public void swingMainHand()
      Sends a EntityAnimationPacket to swing the main hand (can be used for attack animation).
    • swingOffHand

      public void swingOffHand()
      Sends a EntityAnimationPacket to swing the off hand (can be used for attack animation).
    • swingMainHand

      @Internal public void swingMainHand(boolean fromClient)
      Sends a EntityAnimationPacket to swing the main hand (can be used for attack animation).
      fromClient - if true, broadcast only to viewers
    • swingOffHand

      @Internal public void swingOffHand(boolean fromClient)
      Sends a EntityAnimationPacket to swing the off hand (can be used for attack animation).
      fromClient - if true, broadcast only to viewers
    • refreshActiveHand

      public void refreshActiveHand(boolean isHandActive, boolean offHand, boolean riptideSpinAttack)
    • isFlyingWithElytra

      public boolean isFlyingWithElytra()
    • setFlyingWithElytra

      public void setFlyingWithElytra(boolean isFlying)
    • refreshIsDead

      protected void refreshIsDead(boolean isDead)
      Used to change the isDead internal field.
      isDead - the new field value
    • getPropertiesPacket

      @NotNull protected @NotNull EntityAttributesPacket getPropertiesPacket()
      Gets an EntityAttributesPacket for this entity with all of its attributes values.
      an EntityAttributesPacket linked to this entity
    • setTeam

      public void setTeam(@Nullable @Nullable Team team)
      Changes the Team for the entity.
      team - The new team
    • getTeam

      @Nullable public @Nullable Team getTeam()
      Gets the Team of the entity.
      the Team
    • getTargetBlockPosition

      @Nullable public @Nullable Point getTargetBlockPosition(int maxDistance)
      Gets the target (not-air) block position of the entity.
      maxDistance - The max distance to scan before returning null
      The block position targeted by this entity, null if non are found
    • getLivingEntityMeta

      @Nullable public @Nullable LivingEntityMeta getLivingEntityMeta()
      Gets EntityMeta of this entity casted to LivingEntityMeta.
      null if meta of this entity does not inherit LivingEntityMeta, casted value otherwise.
    • takeKnockback

      public void takeKnockback(float strength, double x, double z)
      Applies knockback

      Note: The strength is reduced based on knockback resistance

      takeKnockback in class Entity
      strength - the strength of the knockback, 0.4 is the vanilla value for a bare hand hit
      x - knockback on x axle, for default knockback use the following formula
      sin(attacker.yaw * (pi/180))
      z - knockback on z axle, for default knockback use the following formula
      -cos(attacker.yaw * (pi/180))
    • acquirable

      @Experimental @NotNull public @NotNull Acquirable<? extends LivingEntity> acquirable()
      Description copied from interface: AcquirableSource
      Obtains an Acquirable. To safely perform operations on this object, the user must call Acquirable.sync(Consumer), Acquirable.async(Consumer), or Acquirable.lock() (followed by a subsequent unlock) on the Acquirable instance.
      Specified by:
      acquirable in interface AcquirableSource<Entity>
      acquirable in class Entity
      an Acquirable which can be used to synchronize access to this object