All Classes and Interfaces
which can be used when changes are required across chunk borders,
but the changes do not need any translation.Represents an inventory where items can be modified/retrieved.
An object that is a source of
objects, and can be synchronized within a ThreadDispatcher
.Represents an object that has been safely acquired and can be freed again.
Called by an Instance when an entity is added to it.
Represents an advancement located in an
.Used to manage all the registered
.Represents an
which is the root of an AdvancementTab
.AdvancementMapping maps the namespaced ID to the Advancement.
Represents a tab which can be shared between multiple players.
Called when a
opens the advancement screens or switch the tab
and when he closes the screen.Utility methods to convert adventure enums to their packet values.
Represents the aerodynamic properties of an entity
A general purpose class for representing colors.
An argument is meant to be parsed when added into a
's syntax with Command.addSyntax(CommandExecutor, Argument[])
.Represents a boolean value.
Callback executed when an error is found within the
.Represents an argument which will give you a
containing the colour or no
colour if the argument was reset
.Represents the target selector argument.
Represents an argument giving an
.Represents an argument which will give you an
.Represents an argument which will give you an
.Argument which can be used to retrieve an
from its material and with NBT data.Argument used to retrieve a
if you need key-value data.Argument used to retrieve a
based object, can be any kind of tag like
, ListBinaryTag
, etc...AUTOGENERATED by GenericEnumGenerator
Represents an argument giving a
.Abstract class used by
and ArgumentFloatRange
.Represents a block position with 3 integers (x;y;z) which can take relative coordinates.
Represents a
with 2 floating numbers (x;z) which can take relative coordinates.Represents a
with 3 floating numbers (x;y;z) which can take relative coordinates.Argument which will take a quoted string.
Represents an argument which will take all the remaining of the command.
Exception triggered when an
is wrongly parsed.Represents an argument giving a time (day/second/tick).
Convenient class listing all the basics
.Represents a single word in the command.
Called when a player enters the configuration state (either on first connection, or if they are
sent back to configuration later).
Called before the player initialization, it can be used to kick the player before any connection
or to change his final username/uuid.
Represents an instance of an attribute and its modifiers.
Represent an attribute modifier.
A generic provider of
or some subtype.Holder of custom audiences.
Utility class to access Adventure audiences.
An event called when a basic query is received and ready to be responded to.
A basic query response containing a fixed set of responses.
A Batch is a tool used to cache a list of block changes, and apply the changes whenever you want.
Represents options for
s.Represents a scoreboard which rendered a tag below the name.
Small monitoring tools that can be used to check the current memory usage and Minestom threads CPU usage.
API Note: This class and associated types are currently considered an internal api.
Represents a block that can be placed anywhere.
Represents a hint to retrieve blocks more efficiently.
Represents an element which can place blocks at position.
Interface used to provide block behavior.
Handler used for loaded blocks with unknown namespace
in order to do not lose the information while saving, and for runtime debugging purpose.
Represents an object forwarded to
.This class performs ray tracing and iterates along blocks on a line
A predicate to filter blocks based on their name, properties, and/or nbt.
Represents an immutable block position.
Manages all boss bars known to this Minestom instance.
Represents a buffer to directly write to the network.
BungeeCord forwarding support.
Represents a packet that is only computed when required (either due to memory demand or invalidated data)
Represents an
which can be cancelled.The messages that a player is willing to receive.
The different positions for chat messages.
Convenient class to check for common exceptions.
A chunk is a part of an
, limited by a size of 16x256x16 blocks and subdivided in 16 sections of 16 blocks height.A Batch used when all of the block changed are contained inside a single chunk.
Helper class to iterate over chunks within a range.
Used to customize which type of
an implementation should use.Allows to limit operations with recently operated chunks
Represents a packet received from a client.
Called when a
sends a ping packet,
usually after the status packet.Represents where is located the main hand of the player (can be changed in Minecraft option).
The ClientSpectatePacket is sent when the client interacts with their hot-bar to switch between entities.
Update action,
indicates nothing special.Target the closest targetable entity (based on the target predicate)
A general purpose class for representing colors.
Allows entity to perform both melee and ranged attacks.
Represents a command which has suggestion/auto-completion.
Functional interface used by the
to execute a callback if an unknown command is run.Used to know if the
is allowed to run the command or a specific syntax.Class used to retrieve argument data in a
.Class responsible for parsing
.Callback executed once a syntax has been found for a
.Manager used to register
.Class used to parse complete command inputs.
Represents something which can send commands to the server.
Holds the data of an invalidated syntax.
Represents a syntax in
which is initialized with Command.addSyntax(CommandExecutor, Argument[])
.Represents an object that holds some amount of components.
Common command conditions
Manages the connected clients.
Represents the connection state of a client.
Represents the console when sending a command to the server.
Represents a custom effect in
.Represents a type of damage, required when calling
and retrieved in EntityDamageEvent
.See the Minecraft wiki for more info.
A common type to represent all forms of component in the game.
Represents any type which can hold data components.
Represents any container of
s.Those are all the difficulties which can be displayed in the player menu.
with direct access to the colors arrayAUTOGENERATED by DyeColorGenerator
Represents a
which store each individual block in memory.Holds registry data for any of the registries controlled by the server.
A key for a
in a DynamicRegistry
.Effects available in Minecraft Vanilla
Could be a player, a monster, or an object.
Represents an entity which can contain
goal selectors
and target selectors
.Represents a group of entity's AI.
Called when a player does a left click on an entity or with
.Represents the result of a collision with an entity
Represents damage inflicted by an
.Called right before an entity is removed
Represents any event called on an
.Represents a query which can be call to find one or multiple entities.
Represents an
which happen in Entity.getInstance()
.Called when two
are merging their ItemStack
together to form a sole entity.Class that allows to instantiate entities with projectile-like physics handling.
Represents damage inflicted by an entity, via a projectile.
Called with
EntityProjectile.shoot(Point, double, double)
Called when a new instance is set for an entity.
Entity status ids used in
.Called with
and its overloads.Called when an entity ticks itself.
Represents the type of entity you want to retrieve.
Callback to know the newly visible entities and those to remove.
Called when a velocity is applied to an entity using
.Event which can be listened to by an
using EventNode.addListener(EventListener)
.Represents a filter for a specific
type.Represents an element which can have
listeners assigned to it.Represents an event listener (handler) in an event graph.
Represents a single node in an event graph.
Used when you want to implement your own exception handling, instead of just printing the stack trace.
Manages the handling of exceptions.
Abstract explosion.
AUTOGENERATED by FluidGenerator
Framebuffer to render to a map
Represents a packet which is already framed.
Describes the frame around the Advancement.
An event called when a full query is received and ready to be responded to.
A full query response containing a dynamic set of responses.
Represents a game event.
Represents the game mode of a player.
Represents an area that can be generated.
Object containing all the global event listeners.
that embeds a BufferedImage, allowing for rendering directly via Graphics2D or its pixel array.Interface implemented to change the way chunks are loaded/saved.
Instances are what are called "worlds" in Minecraft, you can add an entity in it using
.Called when a chunk in an instance is loaded.
Called when a chunk in an instance is unloaded.
InstanceContainer is an instance that contains chunks in contrary to SharedInstance.
Represents any event targeting an
.Used to register
.Called when an instance is registered
Called when an instance processes a tick.
Called when an instance is unregistered
Represents an inventory which can be viewed by a collection of
.Called after
, this event cannot be cancelled and items related to the click
are already moved.Represents an inventory which can receive click input.
Called when an
is closed by a player.Can be added to any
using AbstractInventory.addInventoryCondition(InventoryCondition)
or AbstractInventory.addInventoryCondition(InventoryCondition)
in order to listen to any issued clicks.Used by
to step in inventory click processing.Represents any event inside an
.Called when
AbstractInventory.setItemStack(int, ItemStack)
is being invoked.Called when a player open an
.Called before
, used to potentially cancel the click.List of inventory property and their ID
Represents a type of
Represents an item on the ground.
Represents any event called about an
.Represents an immutable item to be placed inside
or even on the ground ItemEntity
with direct access to the colors array.Framebuffer that is meant to be split in sub-framebuffers.
that embeds a BufferedImage
allowing for rendering directly via Graphics2D
or its pixel array.Targets the last damager of this entity.
Represents a packet that is lazily allocated.
A chunk which supports lighting computation.
Represents a key to a listenable event, retrievable from
.How does Minestom compute RGB to MapColor transitions?
Attacks the entity's target (
) OR the closest entity
which can be targeted with the entity TargetSelector
.Utility class to handle client chat settings.
List of all entity metadata.
The main server class used to start the server and retrieve all the managers.
Adventure related constants, etc.
Utils class using mojang API.
Represents a namespaced ID
Represents an entity which can use the pathfinder.
Necessary object for all
.Represents a toast which can be sent to the player using
.Represents an array which will be resized to the highest required index.
A set of some protocol objects.
Utility class to manage opening the server to LAN.
Configuration for opening the server to LAN.
Convenient class to execute callbacks which can be null.
An audience implementation that sends grouped packets if possible.
Responsible for parsing client and server packets.
Small convenient interface to use method references with
PacketListenerManager.setPlayListener(Class, PacketPlayListenerConsumer)
.Small convenient interface to use method references with
PacketListenerManager.setListener(ConnectionState, Class, PacketPrePlayListenerConsumer)
.Tools to read packets from a
for network processing.Represents no packet to read.
Represents a failure to read a packet due to insufficient buffer capacity.
At least one packet was read.
Constants and utilities for vanilla packets.
Tools to write packets into a
for network processing.Represents a palette used to store blocks and biomes.
Represents a
ready to be executed (already parsed).The result of a physics simulation.
Those are the major actors of the server
Called every time a
types a letter in an anvil GUI.Called when a player begins using an item with the item, animation, and duration.
Called when a player interacts with a block (right-click).
Called when a player tries placing a block.
Called when a
stops digging a block before it is brokenCalled when a player stops using an item before the item has completed its usage, including the amount of
time the item was used before cancellation.
Called when a player change his held slot (by pressing 1-9 keys).
Called every time a
writes and sends something in the chat.Represents an outgoing chat message packet.
Called when a player receive a new chunk data.
Called after a chunk being unload to a certain player.
Called every time a player send a message starting by '/'.
A PlayerConnection is an object needed for all created
.Called when a player die in
.Called when a player disconnect.
Represents any event called on a
.Called when a
successfully finishes digging a blockCalled when a player completely finishes using an item.
Called when the gamemode of a player is being modified.
Represents the main or off hand of the player.
Called when the player swings his hand.
Represents an
which happen in Entity.getInstance()
.Represents the inventory of a
, retrieved with Player.getInventory()
.Called when a player is modifying his position.
Listen to outgoing packets asynchronously.
Called when a player send
.Called before the PlayerEatEvent and can be used to change the eating time
or to cancel its processing, cancelling the event means that the player will
continue the animation indefinitely.
Used when you want to provide your own player object instead of using the default one.
Player's public key used to sign chat messages
Called when a player warns the server of a resource pack status.
Called when
is executed (for custom respawn or as a result of
Called after the player signals the server that his settings has been modified.
Contains all the data required to store a skin.
Called at the player connection to initialize his skin.
Represents a socket connection.
Called when a new instance is set for a player.
Called by the SpectateListener when a player starts spectating an entity.
Called when a player start flying.
Called when a player starts sneaking.
Called when a player starts sprinting.
Represents a single statistic in the "statistics" game menu.
Called when a player stop flying.
Called when a player stops sneaking.
Called when a player stops sprinting.
Called when a player is trying to swap his main and off hand item.
Called at each player tick.
Event when an item is used without clicking on a block.
Used when a player is clicking on a block with an item (but is not a block in item form).
Represents a 3D point.
Represents a position containing coordinates and a view.
Represents damage that is associated with a certain position.
Represents a potion effect that can be added to an
.Vanilla has some fancy behavior to get integer properties as ints, but seems to just compare the value
anyway if its a string.
Utility class to manage responses to the GameSpy4 Query Protocol.
An event called when a query is received and ready to be responded to.
An enum of default query keys.
Represents the base for any data type that is numeric.
The function used to generate a projectile.
AUTOGENERATED by GenericEnumGenerator
AUTOGENERATED by GenericEnumGenerator
AUTOGENERATED by RecipeTypeGenerator
Provides access to all the dynamic registries.
Handles registry data, used by
implementations and is strictly internal.A
which can be used when changes are required across chunk borders, and
are going to be reused in different places.Represents a location which can have fields relative to an
position.Called by an Instance when an entity is removed from it.
Represents the data sent to the player when responding to a ping event.
Represents a scheduler that will execute tasks with a precision based on its ticking rate.
This interface represents all scoreboard of Minecraft.
This enumeration represents all available types for the scoreboard objective
Represents a packet that can be sent to a
.Contains server settings/flags to be set with system properties.
Called when a
sends a status packet,
usually to display information on the server list.An enum containing the different types of server list ping responses.
Represents a packet which can be sent to a player using
.Sender used in
.Represents the complete state of the server at a given moment.
is an instance that shares the same chunks as its linked InstanceContainer
entities are separated.Represents a sidebar which can contain up to 16
.This class is used to create a line for the sidebar.
General purpose functional interface to verify signatures.
Built in validators:
Built in validators:
: will always report true
: will always report false
: Uses SHA1 with RSA and Yggdrasil Public Key for
verifying signatures
: Uses SHA256 with RSA and the
Player's PlayerPublicKey.publicKey()
SignatureValidator.from(PublicKey, KeyUtils.SignatureAlgorithm)
: General purpose factory method
AUTOGENERATED by GenericEnumGenerator
Represents a snapshot of a game object.
Represents an object which is regularly saved into a snapshot.
Represents the context of a snapshot build.
Can represent a builtin/vanilla sound or a custom sound.
Represents the
tab list as a Scoreboard
.Represents a group of items, blocks, fluids, entity types or function.
Represents a key to retrieve or change a value.
Represents an element which can read and write
.Handles loading and caching of tags.
Represents an element which can read
.Interface used to create custom
.Represents an element which can write
.The target selector is called each time the entity receives an "attack" instruction
without having a target.
This object represents a team on a scoreboard that has a common display theme and other properties.
A builder which represents a fluent Object to built teams.
An object which manages all the
'sThe packet creates or updates teams
An enumeration which representing all rules for the collision
An enumeration which representing all visibility states for the name tags
ThreadDispatcher can be used to dispatch updates (ticks) across a number of "partitions" (such as chunks) that
instances (such as entities).A data structure which may contain
s, and is assigned a single TickThread
.Defines how often chunks thread should be refreshed.
A TemporalUnit that represents one tick.
Represents an element which is ticked at a regular interval.
Tick related utilities.
Represents a type of transaction that you can apply to an
.An utilities class for
.Holds the data of a validated syntax.
Represents an immutable 3D vector.
Support for Velocity modern forwarding.
Represents something which can be displayed or hidden to players.
AUTOGENERATED by GenericEnumGenerator
Represents the possible weather properties of an instance
Represents the world border state of an
can be retrieved with Instance.getWorldBorder()